Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

This was a work of art, a true masterpiece, and exactly the niche content I desire.

Personally, as someone who fought to stay off the prairie and never wear another pioneer dress again (ex-mo here) I think I’ve earned living out my leather daddy Bladerunner-meets-Dune end of days.

See you on Arrakis-- I’ll be the one surfing a sandworm, wailing desert chants 🏄

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absolutely incredible. Lisan Al gaib ♥️

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

Meet you at the trash hole in 20, I’ll bring the used Keurig pods and we can suck on ‘em to get a sweet caffeine rush before watching our new favorite show, Pigeons vs. Cockroaches.

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Author

lolllzz! after we finally finish hacks.

Bananas Rice Applesauce Toast summer forever ♡

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

I just read this on the train and people were looking at me because by the end I was howling with laughter 😅😅

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

We’re keeping warm at the trash hole by burning those trad wife dresses. Egg aprons can be used to keep your head warm though.

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hahahah now THAT is resourceful. love this

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Jul 27·edited Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

Hahahahahahahaha. Now THAT is the type of recommendations newsletter I can get on board with. Brilliant! Xx

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I’m so glad you found the humor in it 😂

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Jul 28Liked by Totally Recommend

Not a week goes by that I don’t utter the phrase “come the apocalypse.. XYZ”

The XYZ typically involves

1.where do any former Navy Seals I know 🦭 live

2. Secret gate codes to ranches in remote locations

3. Special skills (like 🧗 breath-holding, really skilled riding

4. Very nice horses to use for my escape

5. Any # of layers.. shearling, utility jackets w pockets

6. Waterproof things (boots. Hats. SNOWpants

7. Fire building skills & fishing

8. Singing. Campfire songs. Madrigals.

9. Needles, syringes, all kinds of prescription meds & K/tape

So I guess some mash up of the Canterbury tales & some spooky Ishiguro story where my survival becomes the primary objective ..

Oddly, the fashion part doesn’t usually fit into the “xyz” part of it.. 🤣🤣💕

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hahaha debo how dare you think of all the actual ways you could survive the Armageddon and not consider bringing your beloved Agnes b jacket. I’m off to befriend some navy seals while holding my breath.

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Oh fully the lavender jacket is coming.. it is SO well worn that the faux fur looks like a child’s “lovey”

Yes.. I left that off the list .. as part of our prep will involve DISGUISes 😘😘😘

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

I’ve been thinking a lot about what to wear when it finally happens— I’ll def be the one showing off my abs 😂🤣

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get it! i'd be with you if i had them 🤣

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

🤣🤣🤣 I’ll see you in my leather matrix style trench with a detachable silk lining that morphs into a dress for all the ‘last of the parties’ I plan on attending 😆

Excellent article, laughed so hard!!!!!

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You’re too cool honestly

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Jul 28Liked by Totally Recommend

Enjoyed this! A bit random but beginning of Covid, my husband and I would discuss what we would pack if a zombie apocalypse hit. The only thing that I definitely wanted to pack was Blundstone boots because they seem so practical but none of my cute girly dresses would make the cut! And I’d put everything into a very sturdy Tom Bihn backpack because it seems the only thing sturdy enough to run away and survive possible zombie attacks 😂 You know what.. this discussion nicely segues into thoughts about clothing durability, buy it for life, etc. The only clothes I want for zombie apocalypse are things that I know would last and last! Ain’t no body got time to shop for new boots when you might be eaten alive.

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blundstones and a backpack are very sensible choices , sounds like you will live 😂 agreed it’s a perfect way to think about buy it for life stuff!

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend


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plat du jour

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

The very fact that managed to bring butthole bleaching to my mind thus Saturday morning 😂😂😂 I think the Doen pieces in my closet and my braiding skills will have me relegated to being a sister wife… sigh.

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haha I’ll be with you SISTER

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

I’m wearing pajamas and pajama like clothing. I want to be cozy in cashmere sweaters and silky pants I can just take a nap in.

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yes! my uniform during our mini apocalypse aka the pandemic haha

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Jul 28Liked by Totally Recommend

Ha! Like training wheels

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

I think the key to our survival is teaming up and specializing. I will trade you my very ill-advised floral skirt (I still have nightmares about the Gunne Sax dresses of my confused adolescence) for your cargo pants (which I was so excited to see come back I nearly swooned). The other tank girls and I will defend the fort while the sister wives make bread and preserves and the burning trash peeps will be in charge of game nights and foraging for mind-altering substances. We might have to fight off occasional invaders from The Amazon (I'm sorry, those folks don't look like any fun so let them form their own clan 😂), but I'm confident we'll triumph.

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Dying laughing. this plan is absolutely genius. anyone that can pull off cargo pants should absolutely be pushed to the most upper echelon of society - baking bread for my tank girls and trash family dinners is something I could actually get down with.

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Jul 28Liked by Totally Recommend

Actually.. my phrase is “come the Armageddon” 🥺

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

I've never wanted to move to a cold harsh climate more 😂

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not gonna lie I felt a bit of that too haha

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Jul 27Liked by Totally Recommend

Saved this piece of art…..because I genuinely think this could come in handy someday. 🤣🤣🤣 Incredible work.

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hahah I hope not but I’m happy to help in that case

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