Wow great article and spot on. Red light masks and K18 are truly great! I wrote about the beauty industry for many years and my thoughts have …. evolved. The hype cycle is just too fast now. There are too many brands. And too much bs

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

I bought the Jones Road Balm as I too have the nostalgic feels about Bobbi Brown- it’s just a container of pink grease honestly- while the color is pretty, your face looks like you put some Vaseline on it, and it feels sticky and dirty- I’ve resorted to using it for the occasional lip gloss which fades quickly - ugh 😣

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oh no! need all types of opinions here so thanks for letting us know

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1000% agree! I tried it when it first came out and I likened it to the gummy sneaker repair glue. It acts like flypaper imo. I kept seeing ads and caved to the hype again - tried again and hated myself for being influenced to buy a product I already tried and vehemently disliked.

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Sneaker repair glue 😂yes!

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I agree! My friend gave me a mini. I wanted to love it, but it made me look messy. Plus, it broke me out anywhere I put it.

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Yup! I did the same and got sticky beige grease with odd glittery bit. Big expensive no from me too!!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

this is so great. i cannot believe those paper towels 🤦🏽‍♀️ i started using my omnilux and doing a 10 minute guided meditation while i use it, and it’s such a nice way to unwind before bed. i’ve always been tempted by jones road and glad to know it lives up to the hype!

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Sep 7·edited Sep 7Author

also i love doing the omnilux with a guided meditation too! such a nice habit stack or whatever they call that

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habit stacking!! I wrote a substack about this at the start of the year as I am not a resolutions person.

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

also i’d love to know more about this cork situation…

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hahaha it's 1000% real and likely a choking hazard while driving..just do what this awkward video tells you to: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EOs6DAMo-1w

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

i am tearing through my night guard so maybe this will

help these jaws of steel!!

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big time clencher/grinder and helps me for sure! hope it helps!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

How dare you come for the clean skin towels?? 😂 Kidding, just me being defensive because I fell for them hard. They are totally wasteful. I used to use wash cloths that k rotated through and just got lazy.

Also, glad to hear everyone loves the red light masks as much as I do! Admittedly I need to be diligent about using it, but I noticed positive improvement in my skin when I am consistent.

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hahaha I was so tempted! I bought extra wash cloths…I always end up using them as rags when they get old anyway!

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Years ago I fell so hard I asked to be an ambassador— I could not clean my own washcloths fast enough. It didn’t take long to come to terms with how wasteful and ultimately expensive they are. I second the idea of getting a dozen different inexpensive washcloths to keep in rotation!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

Saw someone else comment about a safety razor. Just here to upvote that! One of the best purchases ever. I love not having to constantly buy a plasticky replacer head. I got the razor + a 100 pack of blades and a little mini trash can for the discarded blades and its lasted me so long that I can't even remember when I got it - must be several years by now! I love the old school look of it too. And I use my conditioner or bar soap - works like a charm.

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I love the old school look too! men’s shaving products are honestly so handsome and sturdy

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I’ve used a safety razor for years, and I will never go back. I got a teeny tiny vintage Gillette one at an estate sale that I also love!

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Absolutely the way to go and I agree that the classic safety razor is good design too! My daughter wanted to start shaving her legs last summer and once I was confident that she wouldn't wound herself I got her one too. She balked a bit. Those sparkly pink razors were calling to her BUT Gen Alpha is very environmentally conscious. It wasn't hard to convince her that simple blades are the way to go.

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I have no doubt that JRB products are fine, but wtf is Cody’s advice in this newsletter other than be Bobbi Browns kid?

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Minority report on Jones Road: Hate the "Miracle" Balm, which I find thick, sticky, and hard to apply. I see zero miracles. Eye and lip products are overpriced. The only JR product I can endorse is the pencil sharpener.

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Going to be using “but I can endorse their pencil sharpener” from now on to express disdain for any type of product line. That line just cracks me up!

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Me too! Very funny!

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Couldn’t agree more! The miracle balm is shimmery Vaseline- so unclear on the hype, eyeliner is “eh” and really not worth the price, the eye shadow feels like children’s play makeup and, also, when I tried it out it made my eyelids feel tingly! Jones road is the reason I no longer buy makeup online. I gotta see it first before shelling out that much money on a product!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

I have no opinion on Jones Road products despite being a 'mature woman'. because my skin is still oily/breakout prone vs dry. But, the marketing fails of the FB ads should be discussed, re: the 'free bag with over $100 purchase' and the mini balm set. The 'free bag' was an organza pouch, that looked like the kind artsy jewelers put their wares in at art fairs. This was no makeup bag to rival a traditional GWP. And so many women complain d about it in the comments, and JR kept serving me the ads with the complaints!

Same with the mini balm sets: so many women wanted to try them, but you couldn't choose the colors you wanted, they came as a predetermined set. Again, so many complaints in the comments, and I kept seeing the same ads. Someone even recommended a woman (maybe on Etsy?) who would decant the product and send you the shades you wanted, lol.

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so interesting about the FB ads and giveaways...you just gave me cody's playbook so i guess i dont need to subscribe to his newsletter anymore. thats hilarious about the woman on etsy! havent tried the product myself yet but aggressive ads are usually such a turn off for me

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I have been afraid to try the miracle balm because I also STILL 🙄 break out.

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Preach,sister., preach. Now 65, still have an oily face and live in Texas. I use to subscribe to Jones beauty on instagram and Substack, I felt like it was a money grab, constantly selling stuff and I am on a limited income. No go here.

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

I swear by Jones Road miracle balm. Maybe it’s a later in life thing, but as a 49 year old I dare say that it is the most important makeup I put on my face. It makes my skin glow, it stays put, and it makes me feel like Benjamin Buttons. All for it. Do believe the hype.

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wow BB(benjamin button) cream. you should write for them

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

Publicly swear by men's razors... even if they're ugly. But now you have me thinking about red light🤪

Thanks for the fun read this morning Total Rec, giggled in my bed.

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Rena — I’m a huge fan of Harry’s razors as the subscription service allows for frequent new blades (which helps if you shave your face, as many of us aging women do!) and it’s not ugly.

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Shaving your face as you age (or at any age) is the holy grail of beauty that so many women are missing out on! And I’ve always used those 5 blade men’s razors with the disposable head. They work best. Forget about those cute little dermaplaning wands.

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I couldn’t agree more, Lee. I owned a dermaflash for five minutes and found it far too tricky. Give me a Harry’s razor any day. I report on beauty (among other things) and wrote a piece in 2018 about why this is a brilliant skincare step. So many women today are still nervous about regrowth. I’ll post the piece here for anyone reading comments: https://writinginblackandwhite.com/resources/Should-You-Shave-Your-Face-_-The-Fine-Line.pdf

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Writing that down!!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

I second JRB and K18. Although if you use K18 more than once every 2-4 weeks it will stop working, and start to impair your hair's ability to form bonds (ask me how I know)

Now I'm going to get a red light device this Black Friday.

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yes! def going to try thx for the intel. and hope you enjoy the red light!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

Jones Road face pencils are spectacular when you just need a little coverage. The miracle bomb is pretty good, but I wouldn’t say it’s life-changing. What the foundation I also like. 43 year-old, dry skin, pretty good genes.

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great to know thx

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

I have to admit I’ve been a sucker for the Clean Skin Club towels !!🤣 wondering how the wash cloths are any different from bath towels in terms of getting mildew-y?

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happens to the best. you can just get like a 10 pack of washcloths and use a new one everytime you wash your face. the mildew comes from an already wet towel I believe is how they advertise it haha

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

Disappointed with Violette FR Yeux Paint Eye Color and Liner (the metallic colors are beautiful but dried out and flaky to the point where it’s unusable. The Boum Boum milk is unpleasant to apply because it’s wet and cold, so I spray it on the palm of my hand and apply to my face which is more comfortable but I agree with the other reviewer that it’s kind of a waste and is now drying sticky. Maybe I need to use both products every day as the shelf life of these products are limiting.

As for Miracle Balm, I’m addicted. However, this is for cool weather application as I couldn’t bear to go near the stuff during hot and humid days. It took some trial and error to find the right shade for me, so I suggest getting the trials first. Having said that, I was able to return a shade that was horrid in me, and they replaced it with another shade, gratis.

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thanks for feedback on Violette. And heard on the weather factor for the balm! I live in humidity quite a lot of the time so this info is crucial - thank you!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

I laughed out loud in public when I read: "This is a hot take, and a weird flex, but here it is: I’ve been off the cream for years."

I too, am off the cream and have been rocking a safety razor for my entire adult life. It was a big splurge when I bought it but it's delivered.

Also, Neutrogena rain made me laugh. My dad has used that my entire childhood and that scent lives rent free in my brain.

I have hardly any makeup and prescribe to a life with lots of sleep, water and sunscreen but Jones has entered the chat when it comes to replacing some of my makeup! Thanks for the vote of confidence in that!

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good call on safety razor!! also rain is a serious throwback. I bought it for fun and it’s been a time machine. Agee that the best thing to do is sleep , be hydrated, protect from sun and just generally try to relax!

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Sep 7Liked by Totally Recommend

Oh wow! I couldn’t disagree more about Violette! Their products are superb, especially the lipstick - so much so that I keep thinking, why has no one else made anything like this?! (I haven’t tried the skincare though, so cannot speak for that.)

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thank you for sharing that! it was a pretty small group of people so definitely helpful to have more opinions. im glad you found it works for you

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