I’m so sad about Ilana Kohn! I have linen dresses from them going back years. Another small brand who I think makes great clothes and who is very transparent about her struggles to maintain a sustainable business is Elizabeth Suzann.

I’ve been dating the last few years and I sometimes think about it in terms of advertising. For example if a man I was getting to know started emailing me almost every day with ridiculous ploys to get my attention, then began to text me practically begging me to respond I would feel like I was being stalked and block him. However I let so many advertisers harass me every day. The way they try to get our attention is shameless and gross and yet we accept the constant bombardment in a way we wouldn’t from any other communicator in our lives. And it works! That’s the worst part. They get our money by being awful.

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“Time is non refundable” … yes!

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You truly are the most interesting person on the internet. The sister pilgrimages sounds (a) incredible and (b) very soulful to complete. You have inspired me to be thoughtful and live in the duality of wanting to want less while still wanting more; though you are much more eloquent in saying it 😜

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The girl behind our fav Substack!! Loved thjs peek at who YOU are

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Not to sound like a weirdo fan girl but this is one of the best interviews I’ve read in recent and distant memory. Too many great lines to quote, but I think it says a lot about you that you’ve amassed such a dedicated readership without even sharing much about you. You’ve hit a nerve that so many of us identify with. Something is off, and writers like you help lead the charge to start examining why, and more importantly what we can do to change it.

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This makes me want to put in my hiking boots and take a long walk. I always feel like I need to make plans and choose the right trail but you’ve reminded me it’s good to just get out. I appreciate your writing and how you’ve shared more personal details in this interview. The internet feels like one big shopping mall but I’m glad there are still thoughtful and funny spaces.

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I love a peek behind the curtains and getting to know you more! It was great to hear what inspires you and the motivations and journey behind Total Rec. This was such a treat!

I love how your love of hiking has supported your vision. I hiked the last 70 miles of the Camino (to support my dad as he finished his 500 mile journey)…it was an incredible experience and whenever I need clarity, or some self-assurance, a quiet walk in nature is what brings me back to me ❤️

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I love this. The older I get, the more I find I need a long walk in nature to reconnect with myself too. Any problem is truly solved with a good long walk.

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If that isn’t the truest thing: a little walk makes everything better.

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Truly! Sometimes we forget it’s the little things that can do so much for us!

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This was soooo interesting!! Loved the little deep dive into your brain. Also here for fabulous stationery :)

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loved getting to know a little more about you! you’ve definitely inspired me to pay attention to what is really motivating my purchases. the endless buy/return cycle led to a unique form of burnout for me—now i think, is this worth the trouble of returning it?!

your newsletter has some of the best commentariat as well. like ahp’s culture study, i have to read each and every one and have picked up so much just from people writing and sharing.

in reviewing my closet for fall/winter i realized i never actually wore my banana republic high sport dupes! after all the drama in purchasing/trying/returning/landing the right pair. it just makes me laugh. 😆

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that interview resonates on so many front, thanks for sharing 🙏 i happily declare you "LE NEW CONSUMER": https://objet.cc/manifesto

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Im so proud of you my beautiful friend!

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The candy apple story. Could not be any clearer. Thank you for your tender honesty always.

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Wow this is so fun! ❤️

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Ps cutie pic of little you!

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I want to restack every line, as per usual! You nail the feelings we all have trouble conveying - the voice of the zeitgeist my friend. We all ‘feel’ that something is ‘off’ and we’re all too wise to the tricks of the trade now. The era of authenticity has arrived and you’re leading the charge 👀🙌🏼

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