🍒 Total Rec

A weekly newsletter about what real people, not advertisers or influencers actually buy and like.

At Totally Recommend, our data-driven and distinctive approach ensures that we deliver sincere, crowd-sourced recommendations directly from genuine buyers.

The internet can feel like an endless infomercial posing sneakily as a cozy home movie.

Our methodology meticulously sifts through the clutter of online reviews, comments, and influencer or sponsored content, ensuring that only authentic insights are presented, devoid of any profit-driven agendas.

And that’s why you will never find sponsored content, advertising or affiliate links in this newsletter. Only earnest recs.

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Crowd sourced recommendations from real buyers. Recovering Marketing CEO who is done with ads and product plays. No kick backs, just earnest recs. No advertising or affiliate links.


Crowd sourced recommendations from real buyers. Recovering Marketing CEO who is done with ads + product plays. No kick backs, just earnest recs. No advertising or affiliate links.